Why you need Pinterest business profile? Pinterest is big media to grow, develop your business. Here we can promote our blog, website, video etc. It also will help you to get more traffic, clicks, sales etc. Here lots of people are active users. So you can get effective result for your business promotion with your quality content.
Let’s see in short way to create your business blog, website and more.
Firstly, you have to select an appropriate niche. Then you can follow steps below
1. Go to Pinterest and click join button_ click create Pinterest business account.
2. Put your email and password then select why you use (blog, website, shop or others) then select your niche.
3. Select some of your personal info and location the account simply created then.
4. Now go to edit your profile put your website or others link that you to promote and Impressive bio your niche base.
5. Now add a profile photo that will be mirror what you want to give your audience, what they get from you.
6. If you to use account for blog select your banner it will be full optimized.
7. Now you can add another social media for to promote your pins content. You can also add your product or more.
8. Now first think you have to add at least 10 full optimized boards with cover photo.
9. You also have to ensure each board at least 10 pins.
Use this type of images with SEO.
10. you have to active your account most of the time
11. Need to Pins posting time to time every day at least 1 pin
12. Now you try to do follow your targeted audience select who are engaged in your account.
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